Andrew Yinger
2016-10-01 00:07:53 UTC
after upgrading openssl for python 2.7, i am no longer able to successfully
create an exe (even if i manually add import statements like: "import
_cffi_backend, cryptography.hazmat.bindings.openssl").
i see that support for the latest version of pyOpenSSL (and cffi) was added
for version, but that this version is only meant to work with
python 3. unfortunately, because of several libraries i use, i am unable to
make the switch to python 3.
can a patch be made that supports openssl for the latest version (0.6.9)
for python 2.7?
create an exe (even if i manually add import statements like: "import
_cffi_backend, cryptography.hazmat.bindings.openssl").
i see that support for the latest version of pyOpenSSL (and cffi) was added
for version, but that this version is only meant to work with
python 3. unfortunately, because of several libraries i use, i am unable to
make the switch to python 3.
can a patch be made that supports openssl for the latest version (0.6.9)
for python 2.7?