[Py2exe-users] ctypes.pythonapi fails
Okko Willeboordse
2016-11-08 13:38:09 UTC

I run in to problems converting a PyQt4/matplotlib application in to a
single executable.

matplotlib does the following;

_decref = ctypes.pythonapi.Py_DecRef

ctypes help; "pythonapi is a predefined symbol giving access to the Python
C api:"

Apparently py2exe loads ctypes such that ctypes.pythonapi is not valid,
since my application fails with;

File "zipextimporter.pyc", line 82, in load_module
File "matplotlib\backends\backend_qt5agg.pyc", line 31, in <module>
File "ctypes\__init__.pyc", line 375, in __getattr__
File "ctypes\__init__.pyc", line 380, in __getitem__
AttributeError: function 'Py_DecRef' not found

I can override ctypes.pythonapi before importing matplotlib as follows;

ctypes.pythonapi = ctypes.PyDLL('python%d%d.dll' % sys.version_info[:2])

With above override things work, however plain wrong since the application
now has 2 interpreters (read python dll's);
one loaded by py2exe and one by the override.

If I could get a handle to the interpreter loaded by py2exe I could do;

ctypes.pythonapi = ctypes.PyDLL(handle_to_py2exe_interpreter)

How to fix ctypes.pythonapi?


Okko Willeboordse
Sakurai Youhei
2016-11-09 01:23:54 UTC

I have had similar problem that was _Py_PackageContext in ctypes.pythonapi.

And my workaround was to change bundle_files option to 2 which generates exe file without bundling python.dll.

The problem seems to happen when loading python.dll from memory (bundle_files=1 or 0) but time didn’t allow me to investigate more so I selected the workaround.

Best regards,

From: Okko Willeboordse [mailto:***@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 8, 2016 10:38 PM
To: py2exe-***@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [Py2exe-users] ctypes.pythonapi fails


I run in to problems converting a PyQt4/matplotlib application in to a single executable.

matplotlib does the following;

_decref = ctypes.pythonapi.Py_DecRef

ctypes help; "pythonapi is a predefined symbol giving access to the Python C api:"

Apparently py2exe loads ctypes such that ctypes.pythonapi is not valid, since my application fails with;

File "zipextimporter.pyc", line 82, in load_module
File "matplotlib\backends\backend_qt5agg.pyc", line 31, in <module>
File "ctypes\__init__.pyc", line 375, in __getattr__
File "ctypes\__init__.pyc", line 380, in __getitem__
AttributeError: function 'Py_DecRef' not found

I can override ctypes.pythonapi before importing matplotlib as follows;

ctypes.pythonapi = ctypes.PyDLL('python%d%d.dll' % sys.version_info[:2])

With above override things work, however plain wrong since the application now has 2 interpreters (read python dll's);
one loaded by py2exe and one by the override.

If I could get a handle to the interpreter loaded by py2exe I could do;

ctypes.pythonapi = ctypes.PyDLL(handle_to_py2exe_interpreter)

How to fix ctypes.pythonapi?


Okko Willeboordse


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